Networking is a very important part of getting your business going. One of the best ways to maximize your network is to volunteer. Not only is it the right thing to do, but people who belong to organizations look out for one another. It's a congregation of people who actually care about other people.
Right now is a great time. 'Tis the season for volunteering. But, don't make it a seasonal thing. Make sure you really get involved. Just paying yearly dues will not work. You have to actually get out and talk to those folks and spend time together. And what better way to do it than to help others. If you're a business genius and can help other people with their businesses, then maybe you should belong to the chamber of commerce in your area or an organization to help small businesses. There are many different types of charitable organizations for human services, environmental services, animal, arts, culture, religious, educational, the list goes on. Volunteer. It's good business.
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