If you're thinking about where to spend your advertising dollars, you should consider radio. Radio is one of the more affordable solutions with proven results. Many businesses use radio because it offers speed, flexibility and immediacy. Also, when your customer hears the ad, it is usually in a more intimate setting. Most people listen in their car or at work, so the message is heard.
Some things you should know before getting started: 1. Radio stations typically have "Day Parts." Day Parts are how they split the day with different advertising demographics and fees. 6am to 10am Breakfast or morning drive— usually attracts the largest audience. It is also said that the morning drive market tends to be the most responsive, as people are more active in their listening at this time of day. This, of course, will be the highest cost, but with a higher response. 10am to 3pm Midday—Still considered prime day part, many listeners tune into music at work, but may not be as attentive as the morning drive. This is good for advertisers targeting female products/services. Limited Advertising budgets should not select this time to compensate, they should spend the money during the AM and PM drive times. 3pm to 7pm Afternoon Drive or PM drive—2nd largest audience. When people are driving from work to home. This is another great time to solicit retail products, planning for travel, dinner eating arrangements, running errands or focusing on diet. 7pm to 12M Evening—This day part is not the strongest. Llistenership usually drops off after the first hour, and responsiveness drops as well. This day part should only be added as part of your plan to be added with your morning and evening day parts. 12M to 6am Overnight—The least desireable inventory. Listening is very low, unless the ad targets this particular audience. Radio programming during this time is very background. This is prime time for adult content.... Male enhancement, for example. 2. Reach— Reach in the number of individuals that hear a particular campaign. This is expressed as a percentage. 3. Frequency—number of times an audience hears spot. 4. Effective frequency— Number of times a listener must be exposed to a radio spot before it has an effect. The number for radio is 3. That's 3 times hearing your ad before it sinks in. 5. Comulative Audience— Number of people who listen to a radio station for at least 1/4 hour during course of chosen times period or day part. Each person is counted once. 6. Station Share—The total audience in a given time period that is tuned to a particular radio station. This is expressed as a percentage of total radio audience for the same period. 7. Gross Impacts—Sun of the 1/4 hour audience for all spots in campaign. The number of times a radio spot was heard. This usually includes listener duplication. May your radio advertising be effective and bring you lots of business.
1 Comment
8/29/2012 11:43:30 pm
Hi This one is great and is really a good post . I think it will help me a lot in the related stuff and is very much useful for me. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job..
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